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Baron Richard I De Courcy
(Guadelmodis) Wandelmode
William De Falaise
Geva de Burcy
Baron William (I) De Courcy of Stogursey
Emma De Falaise
Jordan De Courcy


Family Links


Jordan De Courcy

  • Marriage: Unknown

bullet  General Notes:

History of Jordan Family (doc)
After marrying Emma de Falaise, William increased his lands
and prestiege. He became very powerful in England, and was
appointed a royal dapifer by Henry I. Unfortunately, all of this
power, prestiege, land, and wealth was passed on to his firstborn
son, William (II) de Courcy. Due to the political nature of
Norman society the oldest son of a house would inherit all and
younger sons were forced to depend on their own initiative,
their choices usually being limited to military service or a life
with the church.

William (I)’s other son Jordan was merely a powerless steward
of his brother’s lands for a short time after William (II)’s death,
and eventually that stewardship was taken away from him by the
King, thus leaving his sons John and Jordan landless and in
search of their own power. Both were soldiers for England’s king
and it would be William (I)’s grandson John de Courcy that
would carve out a name and an Earldom in Ireland for himself.

Also aligns with Flanders, DeCourcy, 2008


Jordan married.

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